My View: How EVs help push Arizona’s economy forward

In this guest column, an executive with a national organization that looks to promote the EV industry highlights the latest federal government investments across the state to boost the EV charging network and create thousands of high-paying clean energy jobs.

Local opinion: Electric utilities increase your expenses, their profits

Regarding July 21 articles “How much keeping cool will cost you” and “Big profits in forecast.” Those costs share a common root cause that is avoidable if our Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) acted to optimize public benefit, a fundamental AZ Constitutional responsibility. Both costs are exacerbated by electric utility generation of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions.

Local opinion: Arizonans are ready for solar

Driving into Phoenix from Tucson for a meeting in June, it’s striking how the temperature rises as you approach the city. The clear blue desert sky turns hazy brown over the metro area, a reminder of our air pollution issues. While it will always be hot in the summer, there are solutions to the rising […]